Questions and Answers

We love our customers and we respect all types of questions.

Sometimes when we are asked about something repeatedly, it becomes more efficient to wrap up the answer into a short paragraph of text.

Here are some of the most frequent yet important questions.

How to Send Files?

Once your files are uploaded, there are 2 ways of sending them:
- you can create a Submission, or
- generate a direct Package link.

Hot to send files in 3 steps is described in our EmailLargeFile blog article How to send files quickly. or in our 1 minute Youtube video.

EmailLargeFile is all about sending files. It's one of the most convenient tools for transferring large chunks of data, be it media files or documents, over the web. The best thing about EmailLargeFile is that you don't need to install any software on your machine - you only need a Browser. We support Internet Explorer, FireFox, Safari, and Opera browsers. That means, our software will work on basically any personal computing platform.

We maintain the free but limited service. It allows 5 files to be sent to 3 recipients, it will only let your files stay for a week or so before they get deleted. There is also a limit on the number of downloads.

Emaillargefile on the other hand, is a robust platform for file and document distribution. You can send multi-gigabyte files with virtually no upload or download limits. Your files are stored until you keep your account, or until you delete them yourself.
You have complete control over your files - how files are named, where they are sent, and where they are located.
It's feature-rich - you keep track of each and every file, manage address books, download Excel and PDF reports, control access to files and packages, and much more.

How to Submit Support Request?

The best way to tell us that you need help, is via your Account information page. On the My Account page you will see the Request Support link. Pick the support category from the drop-down list, describe the problem in the message box, then click Submit Request.

Support requests submitted via the Account page have the highest priority and get processed before any other messages. By using the described method, you help us to quickly locate your account information and diagnose the problem. Only if you are unable to log in at all, or can't find the Account page, then you can certainly use our general contact page.

If you are a Corporate subscriber, you have been given the direct cell phone number of a support manager. In case of an emergency, please use that phone number.

It's also a good idea to bookmark our Facebook page. We use it to post the most important information, such as information about scheduled maintenance or feature updates.

How Secure is this service?

We pay utmost attention to the privacy, safety, and security of our customers. Unlike many free file transfer services on the Web, our service follows and maintains very strict rules.

All our databases and files are encrypted. We encrypt all communication from the checkout process to all daily activities. We encrypt all communication between our servers.
Outgoing e-mail messages are configured to require TLS encryption from the recipient before they can be received.

You can limit access to your file packages to certain geographic areas, organizations, cities, zip codes, or area codes. That level of security is currently unmatched on the market.

You are free to use a multi-level password protection on your packages and submissios. That means, if you don't assign a password to an e-mail submission, the package password will take over and still protect your files from unauthorized access.
We utilize Amazon AWS™ cloud to host and protect your data and to seamlessly deliver our services all over the world.

How to Set Up and Use EmailLargeFile Dropbox

Believe it or not, some of our long-term customers still ask us if we have a 'dropbox' feature, or something that would allow them to receive files from their own customers. Of course we have that! The best thing is that all our subscription plans come with a secure file drop box. Having a dropbox becomes convenient if you own a website or a blog, and you want to receive files from your clients or friends.

Here is the illustrated instruction of how to set up EmailLargeFile dropbox, all in a few clicks: How to set up dropbox

Next, here is what you'll see when someone sends you files via dropbox: How to receive files via Emaillargefile dropbox

What if you want to customize the drop box? Sure! You can add your company logo and put some text comment on the dropbox landing page. Here is how to do that: How to personalize dropbox with custom text and logo.

How to get Notified when someone sends me files?

First, make sure your Emaillargefile Dropbox is active. Refer to the previous article if you need help activating your dropbox.

Next, log in to your account, browse to the list of all your file packages. Make sure the Dropbox package is in the list. If you don't see the Dropbox in the list of packages, you need to manually create one. If you forget how to create packages, refer to this article.

Now, click on the Dropbox package in the list to switch to Edit Package mode. In the Edit mode, click on the Package Rules button located on the right. A window with all current rules will be displayed. In the package rules window, you can add a new rule to the Dropbox package.
The illustrated instruction can be found via the link below.
How to get notified when someone uploads a file.

How to Set up and Control Access to my Files and Packages?

You have several options.

• Package password

Each file package can have a password. You can enter the password in a special field, as shown in this article:
How to create a package Package password is an optional property of a file package. You can change or remove it at any time.
Package password is convenient for instant security. Let's say you sent a package link to some recipients and you want it to be public, so you leave the password blank. Now, if you decide to instantly limit access to this file package, what would you do? Edit the package and enter a password. Noone will be able to open the package or download files if they don't know the package password.

• Submission passwords

This feature allows you to assign individual passwords to batch emails when using our email engine for sending links. Each batch email submission can have different password to the same file package.
This is convenient if you a) don't own the file package, or b) don't remember the main package password, or c) want to override the default password for certain group of recipients. Here is how it works. When your recipient gets the link sent by our email engine, they won't be able to open the package if they don't have the Submission password. In the absence of the Submission password, the default package password will be required. If the package doesn't have the default password, then the package contents is considered public, and your recipient will be able to open it with no password prompt.

• Package Access Rules

This is our favorite feature. In short, each package can be configured to only open if the recipient satisfies to all of the package rules: he or she works for a certain Organization, or opens the link from a certain geographic area. By looking at the computer IP address, our software can tell where exactly your recipient is coming from. Sometimes we can even tell which Organization network they are coming from.
For example, if they work for Google, they will likely be attempting to open the package from inside the corporate network. In that case, the computer address will belong to the range of Google's addresses.
We are subscribed to a huge regularly updated database of most if not all businesses and networks in the US and Canada. For large corporations, those addresses likely cover other countries as well.
For more details about intelligent file transfer and how we use geolocation tracking, read this article:
Intelligent file delivery
For illustrated instructions of how to set up or manage package rules, take a look here: How to use file package rules

Important. The package link security we have in place works great if your recipient didn't download a copy of the package files to their computer. Once they downloaded a copy, from that point on any changes to the package security will not affect the file copy on their hard drive. Therefore, it's important for you as the owner of your files and packages to plan the security prior to publishing links.
Our security features are especially useful for situations when your recipient decides to forward the package link to other people.

How to Update Credit Card information?

Usually, when your credit card is about to expire, we send you a reminder. But don't wait for our message and update your billing address and card info proactively. If you forget to update the card information or billing address, and your card gets declined, your account may get blocked until it's paid in full.

Super important things first:
- has your Billing address changed? then update your Billing Address before updating the card,
- make sure your card will not expire sooner than in 2 months.

To update Billing Information and Address:

1) go to Manage->My Account page, switch to the Account & Billing Tab
2) update the form information and click the Update Account button to save.

All data in the Account Information section is important. This includes your name, email, and address. Verify and update this information as needed.
The address and phone number on that page are your billing address and phone number. The email address on the Account information may be different from your user login email address. The account address is used for billing communication, and it is the one we submit to the Merchant Processor company.

To update Credit Card:

1) go to Manage->My Account page, switch to the Account & Billing Tab
2) click the Update Card button, follow the prompts.

We don't store your credit card information on our servers. We send encrypted communication to the merchant processor.

How to Renew or Upgrade my Plan ?

Credit Card

When you subscribe and pay with a Credit Card, you can choose a Plan, but only pay for the first billing cycle. The processor company will then automatically renew your subscription each calendar month by charging your credit card a day or two before the end of each billing cycle.

Our billing cycle is equal to 1 calendar month. When does it start? It starts the day you signed up and it renews the same day each calendar month.
So, for example, if you have registered and paid for your subscription, say, March 15, the current billing cycle will end April 14. The next billing cycle will then start April 15 and last until May 14.
The billing company will attempt to charge your card on the last day of each billing cycle. If you signed up on the 15th, they will charge your card on the 14th day of each month. Sometimes, based on bank holiday schedule, they may attempt to charge your card on the 13th day.


When you initially subscribe and pay with Paypal, you can choose a Plan, and you also have an option to pre-pay for certain number of months. You can pre-pay for 1, 3, 6 months, or 1 year.

To avoid unexpected downtime, we recommend our Paypal customers to prepay for more than just one minimum billing cycle, which is currently one month. Using a credit card makes it even better. It's safe, easy, and prevents your package and file links from abrupt and inconvenient expiration.

Unlike a credit card, a Paypal subscription automatically expires once you missed a payment. The packages and links you sent to your recipients will expire immediately.
You have up to 2 weeks to renew the Paypal subscription. We don't impose any fines or late fees if you renew your Paypal subscription within 2 weeks from its expiration.
If you don't want to renew the subscription, it's your choice. You can still log in and download your files without any problem for the next few days after your subscription expires. In about two weeks an automatic process will completely block the account and erase uploaded files to recover storage space. That's why we usually recommend pre-paying for more than 1 month.

Renewing Paypal subscription is very easy. Here are the steps:
1) log in to your account,
2) scroll down and click on the 'Renew or Upgrade Subscription' button in the Account Information section,
3) you will be taken to the payment form,
4) select the number of months you want to prepay for,
5) you also have a choice to Upgrade your account here, and for that:
5.1) select the type of account you want to upgrade to,
6) click Pay With Paypal button, and proceed to the Paypal website to complete the payment.

Important. If you haven't completed your Paypal payment, or cancelled out of Paypal page, no problem. You can try to pay again in an hour or two.

How to Cancel and Delete Account ?

First and foremost: you can cancel and leave at any time.

Unlike many other SaaS companies, we never hide the proverbial 'cancel' button. You can cancel and leave at any time - in 4 mouse clicks.

FYI, we are quite serious about addressing your needs. Often the resolution to a problem is so easy that it can fit into one short e-mail message. Before cancelling, we'd appreciate if you contact us and tell us why you decided to leave. But... if you want to cancel without saying a word, that's ok. Read through...

If you used the PayPal and you want to cancel, just don't renew. As described earlier, unpaid PayPal subscriptions expire automatically.

If you are a Credit Card customer, do NOT abandon your account expecting it to cancel automatically.
It's important that you do this instead:
1) log in to your account,
2) click Manage->My Account, click the Account Info tab,
3) click the Change Plan/Renew/Delete button,
4) in the pop-up expand the Cancel Account and Delete section, click the Initiate Cancellation option.
6) Check your e-mail inbox, when you receive our last e-mail message, click the confirmation link in it.

That's pretty much it. After that, your account will be cancelled immediately, and the card processing company will stop charging your card.

Alternatively, you can send us an e-mail message with a request to cancel. No problem. We read and respond to our mail.

Partial refunds. Please note that we are unable to issue partial refunds. This means, if the card processing company charged your card today for the next month of service, but you come to us tomorrow asking for a refund, we most likely will not be able to do that. So... if your card is charged today, we still recommend you to keep using your subscription for a few more weeks and cancel it 2-3 days before the end of the billing period.

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Project of Netellect LLC.

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